
Recently I put myself to the challenge of automating a port of ESRI’s geometry-api-java library from Java to C#. The geometry micro-service demonstration is an application built using the resulting geometry-api-cs library.

The automated port of the library is done using the Sharpen-Eclipse Abstract Syntax Tree library and a whole mess of python scripting. It isn’t a pretty thing. Anytime there is a change in the ESRI java code, a build process is triggered and the results are commited to the C# repo. I hosted a TeacmCity Continuous Integration server for the automation and I gotta say, I really love it.

It took a lot of work to get the Geometry library to compile and pass tests. There are a few operators that don’t yet work. Among the non-working are the JSON import and export methods. And that means the geometry.fogmodel.io demo relies on WKT geometries for importing and exporting geometries. Import and export using ESRIShape binary is working, but that’s not really too fun for interactive geometry editing in Leaflet.


The client side of the demo uses React, Ampersand, Leaflet and websockets to allow for submitting requests to a Node server. That Node server then places requests on a RabbitMQ message queue server. A geometry micro-service is connected to the RabbitMQ message queue and processes geometry requests using the geometry-api-cs library. Those processed requests then find their way back to the client via RabbitMQ and websockets. It’s pretty groovy stuff.